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Actress and performer, graduated from the TV and Cinema course at the 7th Oficina de Atores da Cesgranrio and in psychology from Universidade Santa Úrsula, Gaia was born in Belford Roxo on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, and was raised in the community of Marapicu in Nova Iguaçu/RJ together with his three brothers, in a house of possession.

She is the heiress of the struggle for land, great-granddaughter of João Pedro Teixeira, founding leader of the first peasant league in Paraíba whose life and struggle was the subject of the classic documentary “ Cabra Marked to Die ” (1984). She is descended from Kariri and Amazonian indigenous people from Paraíba and fights against ethnocide, using her art to give voice and visibility to the identity recovery of young indigenous people living in favelas, outskirts and rural areas. Raise the village-quilombo flag in an attempt to invoke the union of black movements in Abyayla with the indigenous movement.

She is co-founder and director of the activist production company Anauá Filmes . Among his recent works are the special “ Falas da Terra ” by Rede Globo (2021), the short film “ Baile ” by RePensa Festival (2021), Elisama in the Series DOM on Amazon Prime directed by Breno Silveira (2023) , the Europe and USA tour of the show “ After Silence ” directed by Christiane Jatahy (2022), Isabel in the soap opera “ Vai Na Fé ” (2023), the curation of the project CineBela - Programação Abya Yala in Favela da Maré ( 2024), Nalu protagonist of the feature film “Eclipse” directed by Djin Sganzerla (2024).







The existence of Gaia is political in itself and it could not be different if she is an indigenous person, a descendant of peoples from Paraíba and Amazon, heir to the struggle for land and agrarian reform. Her struggle is expressed in her art, but in addition, Gaia is an activist for the indigenous cause and an important voice and symbol of the movement to recover the identity of indigenous young people born in urban contexts, victims of the ethnocide on which the history of Brazil was built. Always present in demonstrations for the rights of indigenous peoples, Gaia takes the struggle of her ancestors with her wherever she goes, inspiring other indigenous women and young people to raise their voices above the colonial insistence on silencing them permanently.


Anauá Filmes is an independent audiovisual production company founded by Patrick Raynaud, indigenous relatives and allies. Its objective is to publicize the struggle of the native peoples and traditional communities of Abya Yala and other continents. 


The “ TePI – Theater and indigenous peoples ” brings the importance of indigenous artistic protagonism in its expression and representation. Here, theater is understood in the diversity of its form and by the valorization of the body as an aesthetic and political power.



AUTOAFIRMAÇÃO: Quem é indígena no Brasil? | Sexta Black

Corpo-território, cabeça de bicho

Indígenas falam sobre a arte como ferramenta de luta

Mulheres indígenas se mobilizam em defesa de seus corpos, territórios e direitos originários


Atriz, indígena e bisneta de João Pedro Teixeira. Lian Gaia abriu o especial da Rede Globo

"Falas da Terra": escuta Brasil

"Falas da Terra" tem folego para furar bolhas e extravasar militancia indigena

TePI – Teatro e os povos indígenas é a primeira plataforma digital de teatro relacionada ao mundo indígena do Brasil

Atriz, indígena e bisneta de João Pedro Teixeira abre especial da Rede Globo

Debate: Cinematografia indigena feminina

RePensa Festival estreia online com foco na diversidade e inclusão

Mulheres indígenas têm liderança em seus povos


© 2022 Lian Gaia. All Rights Reserved

Website by R Gil

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